Scientists have named 6 products that are important to prevent cancer


Given the increase in the number of cancer patients. For the purpose of preventing cancer, scientists recommend eating certain products. Cancer prevention preparations

It is also recommended to prevent red grapes. Its skin contains powerful antioxidant components – anthocyanins and catechins. Antioxidants suppress the activity of free radicals in the body – oxidizing molecules, under which the cellular structure is destroyed and inflammation occurs. According to the researchers, the use of this vegetable protects against activation of breast cancer, intestines. The elements that make up in its composition have inhibitory properties for malignant formations of the bladder, colon, breast, liver, lungs, prostate.

In addition, oncologists strongly recommend eating blueberries. According to the data published in the scientific journal Pathology & amp; Oncology Research, blueberries can act as a sensitizer of cancer cells, that is, to increase their photosensitivity, making it more vulnerable to radiation therapy. This berry contains substances of Flaphonoids, show powerful antioxidant, anti -inflammatory properties.

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Author: alex

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