Scientists have named 7 human organs without which you can survive
British scientists made a serious statement based on research and long-term observation of patients. Experts concluded that a person can survive even without seven internal organs.
The human body is a very sophisticated system that can fill and replace missing components. Even in such difficult situations as the loss of some internal organs, the body finds a way to survive. This is helped by the achievements of modern medicine, which allow a person to survive even with the loss of seven internal organs.
This organ can be damaged by abdominal trauma, as it is located in the left part of the abdominal cavity near the ribs. If the spleen is severely damaged and internal bleeding occurs, there is a risk of death. In this case, the organ is removed, and its functions are taken over by lymphoid tissue and the liver.
Most often, the organ suffers from the formation of stones, which are the consequences of an excess of cholesterol. Stones interfere with the movement of bile, and this makes removal of the gallbladder one of the most common surgical interventions.
An appendage of the large intestine, which stores bacteria necessary for the functioning of the intestines. Inflammation of the organ is an indication for its removal, which in the future has no effect on the functioning of the human body.
If it is necessary to remove the stomach due to oncological diseases, injuries or ulcers, the esophagus is directly connected to the small intestine. Such manipulations force the patient to monitor their diet, as well as take additional supplements and vitamins, but do not change their life radically.
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