Scientists have named seven foods that kill sex drive
Scientists have named 7 products that can not only reduce, but also completely kill sex drive for a while. When they are eaten, testosterone in the body decreases, which leads to the disappearance of libido.
Food products provide a person with energy during metabolism, so food is directly related to the “sexual” mood and capabilities. Many people know about products that can reduce sexual desire, but not everyone can tell their names. Experts said that if you plan a romantic date, it is better to exclude 7 components from your diet.
1. Products containing soy. Soy contains phytoestrogen, which is similar in structure to the female hormone estrogen, and this threatens to reduce testosterone levels.
2. Legumes.The effect of consuming them in large quantities is equal to that of soy.
3. Sugar. It should be consumed in moderation, as a larger dose of sucrose will lead to a spike in insulin in the blood and, as a result, a decrease in testosterone.
4. Salty and smoked foods, fatty foods. Their negative impact on the heart and blood vessels is difficult to overestimate. The daily salt intake is up to 5 grams per day.
5. Caffeine. Testosterone is blunted by both coffee and energy drinks.
6. Products with nutritional yeast. Pastries, kvass, beer – they should be avoided before and during a romantic evening.
7. Alcohol. Once in the body, it affects all its systems. Regarding the topic under consideration, alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in the intensity of blood supply to the genitals, and the central nervous system signals that it is time to go to bed. Scientists recommend only one glass of white or dry red wine during a date.
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