Scientists have proven that coffee treats serious incurable diseases

Strong black coffee helps fight a genetic pathology that causes muscle dysfunction.

A unique case occurred in France with an 11-year-old boy who suffered from dyskinesia – a defect in the ADCY5 gene that provokes involuntary movements of the arms, legs and face.

The child's parents said that they were sure that coffee helps prevent seizures. When they mistakenly bought decaffeinated espresso capsules, the symptoms of the disease worsened sharply. The boy suffered from muscle spasms for four days. Only after his parents realized their mistake and gave him caffeinated coffee did the seizures stop.

“This is one of those incredible coincidences that litter the history of medicine,” said Dr. Emmanuelle Flaman-Rosy from the Pitie-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.

It is noted that scientists have not previously conducted these experiments, as the study could be unethical. After all, patients who would take a placebo would be at risk of acute pain and discomfort.

We should add that the diagnosis of dyskinesia occurs in approximately one person in a million and remains incurable.

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Author: alex

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