Scientists have revealed seven causes of snoring at once

As reported by the author of SleepScore Labs, the problem snoring reduces the quality of night rest for many of us.

Only according to official data, 10% of people in the world suffer from snoring problems.

“If your partner keeps pushing you while you're sleeping, you need to do something about it,” she said. – As a rule, snoring itself is not just a feature of breathing. Snoring is a symptom of alarming changes occurring in the body.

How dangerous is snoring
Snoring occurs when air begins to obstruct its return flow through the throat. The most dangerous is loud snoring, which causes pauses in breathing. As a rule, we are talking about obstructive sleep apnea. But this does not mean that any person who snores necessarily suffers from apnea. Often the reason may be completely different.

Congested nose
Very often, those who suffer from allergies have a stuffy nose. The congestion turns into difficulty breathing, which leads to snoring.

Nevertheless, it can be treated with medications. All of them are aimed at eliminating swelling of soft tissues and reducing inflammation.

Nasal congestion can also be caused by persistent inflammation of the sinuses, which is common in people with a deviated septum. Similar processes can also occur in the body of pregnant women due to excess hormones.

Shape of the sky
Experts say that one of the main causes of snoring may be the special shape of the palate. People with a low and thick palate may have serious problems with proper breathing during sleep. If snoring caused by this problem causes inconvenience to you and your loved ones, it makes sense to undergo palate correction procedures using radiation therapy.

Excess weight
According to researchers from the University of Helsinki, a proper diet and regular exercise can effectively combat snoring.

Much earlier studies have shown that overweight and obesity increase the risk of respiratory problems.

The excess fat itself, which accumulates in the neck area, begins to put pressure on the trachea and makes breathing very difficult.

Scientists from Finland examined 72 people – all of whom suffer from sleep apnea. Individual respondents were asked to make changes to their usual lifestyle – to go on a diet and exercise.

After 12 weeks, the volunteers were examined again. People in the first group lost an average of 11 kilograms. They all snored less and slept better.

6 out of 10 people in each group stopped snoring altogether.

If you drink alcohol before bed, you may snore all night. The fact is that strong drinks help relax the muscles of the airways. This is true not only for those people who have problems with snoring. Alcohol can make even those who usually do not snore snore.

Sleeping position
Sleeping on your back increases the risk of nighttime awakenings. In this position, the tongue begins to fall and block the flow of air, which leads to snoring, so you should sleep on your side.

Gender and age
After 30 years, the likelihood of us starting to snore increases. This problem most often affects those over 40.

At the same time, men snore much more often than women, because snoring appears in women after menopause.

Thyroid gland
An enlarged thyroid gland also causes snoring. If the size of the organ begins to change in some way, it begins to compress the airways and restrict airflow. But this does not mean that every person who snores has some problems with thyroid hormones.

If, in addition to snoring, you have similar symptoms – fatigue, weight fluctuations, hair loss – you should consult a specialist.

If snoring suddenly turns out to be unpleasant, you need to look for its cause.

According to the results of recent studies, snoring can provoke an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases – heart attack and hypertension, among others.

At the same time, snoring can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Author: alex

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