Scientists have revealed weight loss methods that help prolong youth
Scientists told about which diets can help not only lose weight, but also prolong youth. Much depends on a person's diet, as a number of researchers insist.
As part of the research, scientists tested several of the most common diets. The most effective was the one that provided for a reduction in the number of calories consumed. Experiments on mice showed that rodents that followed such a diet lived 20-30% longer than their relatives with a more saturated diet. Keto diet can extend life by 14%, and these diets also reduce the risk of cancer.
However, nutritionists warn that you should not drastically reduce the amount of food you eat or limit your diet, otherwise ketosis may occur. In addition, severe restrictions are an additional stress for the body. The presence of certain types of products in the daily menu will allow you to prolong your youth, namely fish, vegetables and fruits.
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