Scientists: sports improve concentration and quality of life

Physically healthy primary school students have a higher level of concentration and quality of life. They are more likely to enter schools with advanced subject studies. Such data were provided by scientists of the Technical University of Munich.

3285 girls and 3248 boys took part in the study. The scientists evaluated the children's physical strength and endurance, their ability to concentrate and the quality of life associated with health indicators.

The scientists found that with a higher level of physical training, the children could concentrate better. The quality of their life also improved.

At the same time, boys showed the best results in fitness testing, while girls concentrated better and had a higher quality of life index. At the same time, children with obesity had the worst indicators than children with normal or insufficient body weight. Their overall quality of life was also worse.

“Students in elementary grades with good physical fitness and good ability to concentrate are more likely to be able to enter classes with in-depth study of subjects,” says Professor Renate Oberhoffer-Fritz, head of the department. of preventive pediatrics at the Technical University of Munich.

She added that it is important to provide children with comprehensive opportunities for sports.

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Author: alex

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