Scientists: the effect of rejuvenation can be achieved by the power of thought
Scientists suggest that people who feel younger than their actual years, they can really be youthful for a long time and count on longevity.
To a certain extent, the effect of rejuvenation can be the result of a certain way of thinking and perceiving the world. In an interview with a Norwegian psychologist, the opinion was expressed that “people who perceive aging as an opportunity for personal growth have stronger health in their 70s, 80s and 90s than those for whom old age is helplessness and decline.” .
In turn, a number of studies confirm the impact of the power of thought on the psychological and physical health of people. Scientists state that “there is a connection between a positive worldview and a long life span”.
According to researcher Ragnhild Ness Bang (Institute of Public Health), when a person is psychologically satisfied, feels positive expectations or believes in their abilities, this correlates with improved heart rate and blood flow.
Data from the School of Public Health at Yale University show that an optimistic perception of one's age, lack of skepticism in relation to aging prolongs a person's life on average seven years With such optimism, scientists, in particular, associate the preservation of good cognitive functions and protection against Alzheimer's disease.
In addition, a positive perception of one's age and aging better motivates people to keep themselves in shape, take care of themselves, which contributes its contribution to the rejuvenation effect.
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