“Secrets” of growing cucumbers until late autumn
The usual picture by the end of summer in open ground: dry cucumber leaves and no fruits. But this can be avoided by keeping the plants healthy until September, and if the autumn is warm and dry, then until October. How to achieve this. It is enough to know a few secrets of care.
Secret one: tying up
Yes, everyone knows that tying up the vines makes life easier for the gardener, allowing the plant to receive enough sunlight. But it also plays a more important role – it significantly reduces the risk of powdery mildew and other diseases, the pathogens of which are found in the soil.
Therefore, in order to keep the plants healthy until autumn, the vertical cultivation method must be used.
Secret two: hot mulching
Despite the numerous advantages of mulch, most gardeners continue to ignore it. And in vain.
Firstly, the organic layer protects the plant from pathogens living in the soil. Secondly, it provides nutrients in a form accessible to the plant.
But the main secret is hot mulch. To do this, a thick layer of freshly cut grass is placed under the plants so that it does not touch the stem.
The grass inside heats up, heating the ground. And cucumbers love warm ground. If the roots are warm, the above-ground part of the plant tolerates the cold more easily.
Secret three: oxalic acid
Oxalic acid helps to keep the leaves green even in autumn. To do this, you need to prepare a special compost, in which, in addition to other herbs, sorrel or rhubarb leaves are placed. Half a bucket of herbs is poured with water, allowed to infuse for 5-7 days.
A liter of filtered infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and leaf treatments are carried out every 7 days until autumn.
Spraying should be started before the first signs of disease appear on the leaves.
Secret four: calendula
Calendula is indispensable for a cucumber bed. It not only attracts beneficial insects, but also scares away the spider mite, which often affects cucumbers.
It is difficult to notice the pest in time and take action, since it is impossible to see the mite with the naked eye.
It is too small. If this pest gets into the garden, no measures will help save the cucumbers from death. Therefore, it is better to scare it away with calendula.
By following these rules, you can get a cucumber harvest for much longer. However, do not forget that the health of the plant depends on comprehensive care, including regular feeding, weeding and watering.
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