Seven diseases that can be asymptomatic
As a rule, they make themselves felt only in the last stages. However, everyone should know about them.
Diseases that you may not even suspect about.
Statistics show that almost every second diabetic learns about their diagnosis by accident. Before that, people with diabetes do not even suspect the presence of such a serious disease, since, most often, its symptoms are absent.
Arterial hypertension
Patients with this diagnosis usually cannot remember when and how their disease began.
Within several years, this dangerous disease can completely destroy the human body from the inside, while remaining unnoticed. That is why it is so important to undergo regular medical examinations.
Fatty hepatosis
In other words, this is fatty liver. As a rule, the process of accumulation of fat cells around this organ is painless. However, the consequences can be very deplorable.
Colon cancer
The insidiousness of this type of cancer lies in its asymptomatic nature. That is why the mortality rate from this disease is so high.
Cervical cancer
Experts note that, sometimes, this dangerous disease can only be detected in time during a preventive examination by a gynecologist.
Skin cancer
If we do not talk about melanoma, the only noticeable symptom may be a red spot that peels off on any area of the skin, which later simply disappears.
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