Soup turned out to be among the foods that harm digestion

Foods that harm digestion were named by experts.

Some products can harm digestion, negatively affecting the bacterial microflora, experts warn. It is noteworthy that among the dishes they listed was chicken noodle soup. As the portal quotes experts, “chicken soup with noodles contains too much sodium, and increased salt consumption is associated with an increase in the risk of obesity by more than 25 percent.”

Also on the “black list” of products that harm digestion include:

  • Sweet cereals: the amount of sugar in them can be simply outrageous.
  • Flavored yogurts: they are saturated with dyes and additives, the assimilation of which is not natural for the body.

“Replace them with Greek yogurt or low-fat kefir with a high content of beneficial bacteria,” advised nutritionist Fiorella DiCarlo.

  • Meat semi-finished products: according according to doctors, such products “kill” the beneficial bacteria inhabiting the intestinal flora.
  • Fried foods and chips. A large amount of fat, as well as acrylamide formed during frying, can also harm the bacterial balance of the digestive system.

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Author: alex

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