Tasty and healthy: how to choose the right fruits and vegetables

Experts told how to approach the choice of fruits and vegetables.

The warm season is coming and various fresh fruits and vegetables are already appearing on the shelves. Experts told how to choose them correctly.

Yes, experts advise giving preference to seasonal fruits and vegetables. They should be purchased only in stores, pavilions and agricultural markets. To make sure that the products are of high quality, it will not be superfluous to require documents from the seller that confirm their quality and safety. Also pay attention to the staff: if they do not follow the rules of hygiene and do not wear sanitary clothing, then you should definitely not trust such a point of sale of fruits and vegetables. That is why experts do not recommend buying fruits and vegetables in places of unauthorized trade.

Good fruits and root vegetables should be without damage, uniform in color and have a characteristic type of coloring. They should not have foreign odors and dark spots.

You can also determine by some signs whether vegetables and fruits are fresh. If they have a dried and uneven branch, yellow or green spots, a non-elastic tail, there are sprouts, and their skin is too soft, slippery or sticky, then these are stale fruits.

The department also reminded how to wash vegetables and fruits. For example, root vegetables should first be held in warm water, and then cleaned with a brush and rinsed. Greens should be soaked in cold water for 15 minutes, changing the water periodically. Berries should be washed in a colander, and grapes should be rinsed under a running tap.

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Author: alex

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