The 5 most healthy snacks for the stomach have been named
Snacks can be very useful even thin, provided that a person eats the right foods. The experts told which snacks to give preference to.
A light snack between meals will not cause any harm to your health and will not prevent you from maintaining a slim figure. Nutritionists note that a healthy diet implies eating a moderate amount of food five to six times a day. Snacks at intervals of at least three hours are useful because they help maintain tone in the body and prevent hunger, which contributes to overeating. Scientists state that a proper snack includes foods that are “long-lasting” in terms of digestion, and have a balanced composition of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
So, what snack options are considered the most beneficial for health and figure?
Dark chocolate. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, increasing the level of molecules with anti-inflammatory properties. Experts note that extra pounds are often found in people whose bodies are inflamed. In addition, dark chocolate helps prevent the development of insulin resistance, one of the factors of obesity.
Green peas.Rich in protein and vitamin B1, the lack of which leads to deterioration of attention, memory and mood. Peas also contain vitamin B2, which improves intracellular metabolism, vitamin PP, which is important for the heart and blood vessels, and vitamin A, which improves the condition of the skin and hair. The high content of fiber in peas helps reduce cholesterol levels, activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and remove unwanted components from the body. Peas are an excellent snack!
Fatty fish.Another snack option that will be beneficial for both health and appearance. Studies show that eating fatty fish in the amount of just two servings per week can save a person from serious problems for the immune system, which are caused by unhealthy eating and the obesity it causes. In addition, fatty fish helps to speed up metabolic processes, which allows you to find and maintain a slim figure.
Chicken eggs.Doctors are convinced that people who need to lose weight and normalize blood pressure should consider chicken eggs as a mandatory product in the diet. Saturated with nutrients, eggs perfectly quench the feeling of hunger, and after eating them, the feeling of satiety lasts for a long time. Eggs contain 60% of a person's daily dose of selenium, 32% of vitamin A and almost 15% of iron. Their use protects against the development of hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Cheese. Snacking on cheese is useful, as it belongs to the category of products “eat to lose weight” “. It contains a lot of protein, which strengthens muscles and helps to saturate the body for a long time. In addition, cheese accelerates metabolism. It contains vitamin riboflavin, which works in tandem with thiamine – as a result of this action, carbohydrates in the body are more actively converted into energy. In addition, cheese contains another component that stimulates metabolism – pantothenic acid.
Nut. An ideal product for a quick snack. The fats in the composition of nuts contribute to their slow digestion and, accordingly, a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It was established that daily consumption of a handful of nuts – about 30 grams – allows you not to gain weight.
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