The categories of people who suffer from fractures more often have been identified

Vegetarianism and veganism have a number of advantages . Even if you don't pay attention to the ethical arguments, giving up meat in favor of plant-based products can support the immune system, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and generally prolong life.

However, vegetarianism has its drawbacks.< /p>

A new study by British doctors from the University of Oxford showed that refusing meat significantly increases the risk of bone fractures. 

The doctors made these conclusions after studying the medical data of about 55,000 healthy people over 18 years. They included different dietary groups, from those who ate meat without restrictions to those who completely refused animal products. During this time, 3,941 fractures were recorded.

It turned out that British vegans were 43% more likely to break bones than meat eaters. At the same time, the statistics for certain types of fractures were even more significant. For example, vegans were 2.43 times more likely to break hip bones compared to meat eaters. In vegetarians and pescatarians (people who eat fish and seafood, but refuse poultry and mammals), these indicators were also higher than in meat eaters.

The lead author of the study Tammy Tong explained that partial or complete rejection of animal food leads to a strong decrease in the level of calcium in the body. Therefore, she recommends vegetarians and especially vegans to eat more protein food and to take supplements containing calcium.

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Author: alex

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