The doctor called it useful for the elderly

Elderly people need to include pumpkin and rosehip decoction in their diet. The gastroenterologist named the products that are useful for people over 60 years old.

According to the doctor, one glass of rosehip decoction is enough to provide a daily dose of vitamin C. 100 g of berries contain 426 milligrams of ascorbic acid, while an adult needs to consume 100 milligrams of the vitamin per day. The substance has a powerful antioxidant effect, that is, it protects cells from the destructive effects of aggressive oxygen species. “If cells are healthy, they age more slowly. In addition, rose hips contain flavonoids. These plant substances can reduce inflammation,” the doctor explained.

The doctor added that elderly people often complain of fatigue, muscle weakness, absent-mindedness and apathy – such symptoms may indicate the development of iron deficiency anemia, in which internal organs experience oxygen starvation. Iron is not produced independently and enters the body only through food. Iron from animal products is best absorbed. There is a lot of this trace element in beef, lamb, chicken, turkey and offal.

Don't forget about dairy products rich in calcium. It will make bones stronger and reduce the risk of osteoporosis – a disease in which the structure of bone tissue is disrupted and the risk of fractures increases.

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Author: alex

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