The doctor named vitamins that harm health

Overdose of some drugs can lead to serious consequences.

A large number of various advertisements, where we are convinced to urgently start a merciless fight against vitamin deficiency, led to the fact that many began to self-prescribe various drugs that, in their opinion, are urgently needed by the body.

At the same time, about the lack most people judge vitamins based on articles on the Internet or the advice of friends, without having time to undergo an examination or even simply consult a doctor. But an overdose of drugs can become no less a problem than a lack of something.

“Uncontrolled intake of vitamins can lead to hypervitaminosis. It concerns, first of all, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. Fat-soluble vitamins are well absorbed and slowly excreted. Hypervitaminoses A and D are more severe than others,” explained the endocrinologist.

She advised taking multivitamins, the composition of which is balanced taking into account daily consumption. But monopreparations, where everyone regulates the amount as he wants, can be very dangerous.

For example, the body can signal an excess of vitamin D with nausea, vomiting and itching. It provokes the accumulation of excess calcium in internal organs, and in pregnant women it can cause various pathologies of the fetus, including diseases of the bone system.

Vitamin A in large quantities also leads to nausea, as well as vision problems, hair loss and disorders in the work of some organs.

Vitamin E can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, weakness and headaches.

And vitamin K can cause anemia.

Experts never get tired of repeating that the best way to take vitamins is to eat products that contain them. A healthy, varied diet is ideal in this case.

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Author: alex

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