The doctor spoke about the early signs of dementia that are revealed during communication
According to the doctor, your sense of humor and behavior towards other people may indicate frontotemporal dementia.
Although Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, there are other brain diseases, such as frontotemporal dementia. This type of dementia, affecting the front and side parts of the brain in the temple area, can affect your behavior, personality, and speech.
The doctor shared the “early” signs that can cause anxiety.
According to the expert, the first alarm signals can appear in social situations. People with the brain disease may start to make “insensitive” statements or jokes or even think that others are “insensitive.”
Early signs of frontotemporal dementia can lead to personality changes. The reason for this behavior is that dementia causes a lack of social understanding or awareness. Often, patients with dementia may make inappropriate jokes and/or show a lack of tact, but patients may also be withdrawn, which may be uncharacteristic of them.
While these signs may indicate the disease, it is also recommended to pay attention to the following :
- Apathy or unwillingness to speak
- Changes in personality and mood (eg, depression)
- Lack of restraint or lack of social tact.
- Compulsive or repetitive behavior (eg, compulsive shaving or picking up objects)
- Unusual verbal, physical or sexual behaviour.
The doctor advised that you should see your GP if you or someone you know is suffering from signs of frontotemporal dementia.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, try to treat all behaviour as a form of communication or message. For example, anger can be a message of embarrassment, fear or pain.
“Try to identify triggers as early as possible. For example, disruption of a person’s routine can cause a person to become upset. Psychoeducation for loved ones can help support the patient, which can help develop a relationship of acceptance.”
One in 11 people over the age of 65 suffer from the condition, and this number is expected to increase as life expectancy increases.
Recognizing the early signs of dementia is crucial for timely intervention and support. By staying informed and vigilant, people and their loved ones can take proactive steps to manage this disease and maintain a good quality of life.
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