The first symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer

Ovarian tumors, both benign and malignant, can develop unnoticed for a long time by a woman.

Since there is a lot of space in the abdominal cavity, ovarian tumors sometimes grow to very large sizes before they are detected. As for ovarian cancer, the vast majority of patients are over 60 years old.

Scientists from the Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia spoke about the symptoms that should be an alarming signal for women and a reason to visit a doctor. If you have bleeding between periods, you should see a doctor immediately – this is a very serious symptom. Women who have bleeding during menopause should also be examined.

One of the initial symptoms may be weight loss, loss of appetite, and fatigue. But these are fairly common symptoms that can indicate different types of cancer or have no significance at all. However, if they cause concern, you should be examined.

With ovarian cancer, pain may occur during sex, constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The abdomen may also grow and weight gain may occur, but other parts of the body remain the same size. Swelling in the ovarian area and enlarged lymph nodes located in the lower abdomen may appear.

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Author: alex

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