The flowering of this plant is more luxurious than orchids – an exotic for home cultivation

An exotic plant that is incredible. Impressive at first glance. Let's say right away that it does not grow in our nature. Most people know about it, but not how it blooms. We are talking about passion fruit. It can be grown in a home format. And its flowering is more impressive than that of popular orchids.

The flowering of this plant is more luxurious than that of orchids — exotic for home growing

Passion fruit

About passion fruit

This exotic plant can be grown at home. It grows very quickly. It can stretch up to 2 m in a season. It begins to bloom in the second year. A bright place for growing is a priority, but you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not burn the leaves.

In order for passion fruit to bloom beautifully, you need to follow the watering and moisture regime. If the soil dries out, the plant may wilt. You also need to monitor the humidity. Mistakes in these two points can lead to falling buds and leaves. When you see passion fruit blooming, you will also want to grow it.

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Author: alex

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