The healthiest porridge in the world
No one has long doubted that it is better to start your day with porridge. But which one? We decided to find out everything about the beneficial properties of the most popular cereals and figure out which one is the best.
It is difficult to determine which cereal is the healthiest in the world, but every person has eaten this porridge at least once in their life. Oatmeal can be cooked both in milk and in water (milk, of course, tastes better), in both cases it will not lose its beneficial properties. And there are a lot of them. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, B vitamins and fiber. In addition, oats contain many antioxidants – among them there is a unique one called avenanthramides. According to this study, this antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. Oats also contain a large amount of beta-glucan – a type of soluble fiber. The benefits of beta-glucan for the body and health are enormous. Firstly, it reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and blood sugar. Secondly, it promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. And thirdly, it perfectly saturates and suppresses the feeling of hunger.
— Oatmeal is especially useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the high content of amino acids and vitamin PP, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, cholesterol is excreted. A positive effect is also observed on the functioning of the nervous system, liver and thyroid gland. Muscle pain and helps relieve tension biotin — a substance also found in oatmeal.
Corn porridge
Corn porridge, like buckwheat, does not contain gluten, so it can be eaten by anyone who suffers from celiac disease (gluten intolerance). This cereal contains iron and phosphorus. Iron helps carry oxygen throughout the body, and also speeds up metabolism by activating special enzymes necessary for energy production. Phosphorus, in turn, is needed for strong bones and teeth. Corn porridge contains a lot of carbohydrates (94 grams in one cup), so it is perfect for athletes for breakfast, but at the same time it should not be eaten if you are trying to lose weight.
— Corn grits and porridges made from them, in my opinion, are the least attractive for the body and figure — they contain a large amount of carbohydrates (75%), few vitamins and minerals, and corn protein is inferior in composition and poorly digestible. However, corn grits inhibit the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, so it is recommended to include them in the diet periodically — at least once a week.
Millet porridge
— Millet grits are practically hypoallergenic, help remove toxins from the body (including antibiotics), improve digestion and have a lipotropic effect, once in the body, they prevent fat from being absorbed into the walls of blood vessels. Millet is not recommended to be eaten with low acidity of gastric juice, inflammatory processes in the intestines and thyroid diseases.
Spelt porridge
In the wake of a healthy lifestyle, spelt has gained particular popularity only now, although this grain appeared a very, very long time ago — about 5-6 thousand years BC. Spelt flour, spelt pasta, spelt flakes — everyone seems to have heard of them, but they don’t know what beneficial properties spelt has. Now we will tell you — because there is something! Spelt is rich in various trace elements — iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium — and substances. Among such substances, nicotinic and folic acid and thiamine can be distinguished. Nicotinic acid plays a key role in the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease and attacks, and is also able to protect the fetus from the development of defects during a woman’s pregnancy. Thanks to the same minerals — zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, selenium — spelt has a positive effect on bone health and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
Rice porridge
White polished rice, as you know, is not the healthiest product. During processing, the grain loses all its valuable substances, and therefore its properties. But if you are not ready to deny yourself rice porridge with milk (and it is really very tasty), then sometimes you can still treat yourself to this dish for breakfast – try making porridge from brown rice, which contains many vitamins, especially B vitamins, and trace elements such as magnesium, manganese and calcium.
— Rice cereal is famous for its high digestibility. In addition, this cereal is able to absorb all unnecessary and harmful substances that come with other products. These absorbent properties of rice porridge are successfully used to effectively remove toxins and toxins. That is why nutritionists recommend using it during various diets. But for porridge, as a rule, we use white rice – it undergoes “grinding” and gets rid of the shell, it remains in it a very small amount of B vitamins and trace elements, and it also has a high glycemic index. All this slightly reduces the attractiveness of rice cereal.
Whether we wanted it or not, but literally each of us ate semolina in kindergarten. We are unlikely to see this porridge on the list of healthy dishes, especially if a person is trying to get in shape or just eat right. And here is why.
— Semolina is made from wheat. It contains 70% of carbohydrates of the total chemical composition, little fiber, vitamins and minerals, and it also has a high glycemic index. Semolina is easily digested and quickly absorbed, so it is undesirable to use it if you are overweight. Due to its enveloping effect and high digestibility, semolina porridge is very useful to eat not only in childhood and old age, but also for people who have problems with the stomach, intestines, chewing food, as well as those who are in rehabilitation after serious illnesses and complex operations.
Barley porridge
And the last on our list, but not the least useful is barley porridge. It is ideal for breakfast – barley porridge contains selenium, copper, manganese, tryptophan. Manganese calms the nervous system, and tryptophan, in turn, is involved in the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). All this together helps us to be happy, energetic and calm – and what else is needed for a successful start to a new day? Barley groats also contain choline – an important nutrient that supports the structure of cell membranes, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses and the absorption of fats, and normalizes sleep.
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