The main myths and misconceptions about cancer

There are many myths around cancer that often cost people their health and even their lives. Let's take a closer look at why you shouldn't believe them.

Myths and misconceptions often hinder early diagnosis of cancer and treatment of this disease. Meanwhile, oncology is the second leading cause of death in the world. You can defeat the disease at an early stage if you start treatment on time. But despite the widespread prevalence of cancer, there are still a lot of myths around it.

So, here are the 6 most common myths about cancer.

Phones cause cancer

For the second decade, people have been blaming mobile phones, which supposedly irradiate us, causing cancer. There may be something to this theory, but in practice no one has proven it. There are no scientific studies that would demonstrate the connection between cancer and cell phones.

Cancer is inherited

Another mistake is to believe that if parents or older relatives have a tumor, then the younger generation will definitely not be lucky. Scientists have tested the theory many times. According to the latest data, 5-10% of cancer types are hereditary. Other types appeared as a result of mutations during a person's life.

Cancer is contagious

Yes, we are serious. Some people really believe that you can get cancer. Being close to someone with cancer increases your chance of getting a tumor. The only type of cancer that can even partially claim to be contagious is the one caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It causes cancer of the cervix, penis, rectum, mouth, and throat.

Due to surgery, the tumor jumps to another organ

This is a very dangerous mistake. Indeed, because of this myth, some people refuse to go under the surgeon's knife. In doing so, they sign a death sentence for themselves.

Sugar substitute causes cancer

There is an opinion that artificial sweeteners are involved in the occurrence of cancerous tumors. But scientists have repeatedly refuted this misconception. Aspartame, stevia, saccharin, acesulfame and neotame do not increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. The only sugar substitute that is allowed in Europe is sodium cyclamate. It is this that is still causing doubts among researchers.

Injuries and wounds can lead to cancer

This is one of the most common myths about cancer. It is believed that the more blows, injuries and wounds a person has, the greater their chances of getting cancer. Doctors completely refute this.

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Author: alex

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