The main reasons to eat bananas more often
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Vitamin B6 is easily absorbed by the body, and a medium-sized banana contains approximately 25% of the daily requirement doses This vitamin helps the body produce red blood cells, metabolize carbohydrates and fats into energy, remove unwanted chemicals from the liver and kidneys, maintain a healthy nervous system, and metabolize amino acids. Vitamin B6 is useful for pregnant women, helping to meet the needs of the baby's development.
This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which protects the body from damage to cells and tissues. Thanks to this vitamin, the body absorbs iron better, and the body produces collagen – a protein that binds our skin, bones and body. Vitamin C supports brain health by producing serotonin, a hormone that affects our sleep cycles, mood, stress and pain.
Bananas are high in manganese, which helps the body produce collagen and protects cells from free radical damage. radicals The potassium in bananas promotes heart health and normalization of blood pressure. Bananas help in the digestive process because they contain a lot of fiber. And soluble and insoluble fibers help control blood sugar and get rid of cholesterol.
Bananas contain starch that is not digested and penetrates the large intestine. It is useful for weight control and maintaining a sense of satiety. Well, in conclusion, we can say that due to three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose – bananas provide us with a decent level of energy, while providing the body with fat or cholesterol.
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