The main reasons why women leave good men

Relationships are a thing difficult It is not always possible to understand why they suddenly collapse, leaving no opportunity for partners to change something for the better. The initiator of the divorce can be both a woman and a man.

Representatives of the stronger sex usually leave the relationship for banal reasons: fell in love with someone else, got bored, lost physical attraction, the partner often “saws” or stopped take care of yourself.

Everything is more difficult with women. Women of the weaker sex usually cherish relationships, even if they are not very strong, and the partner is not a very nice person. Women are inclined to create, they basically do not want to destroy anything.

If the partner suddenly announced a breakup, there are always reasons for this. Suppose a partner drinks, cheats, raises his hand or earns little. Then everything is clear. But it also happens that a man is decent, responsible, caring, and a woman still leaves him. Why does this happen?

A woman may be insecure

In this case, she will be afraid of not meeting the expectations of her partner. If a man is smart, handsome, successful, it may seem to her that next to him all her shortcomings become clearly visible. She will scold herself, scold herself for not being good enough, and eventually come to the conclusion that without this man it will be easier for her to breathe and accept herself as she is.


Sometimes partners very quickly go through the candy-bouquet period of the relationship and almost immediately move on to everyday life. And a woman still needs to feel lightness, romance and hear gentle declarations of love. Women of the weaker sex cannot get anything pleasant for themselves from such “domestic” relationships. Some continue to “pull the leash” and get used to a strict family life, while others go in search of happiness and romance.

Too fast

Sometimes it happens that a woman doesn't seem to be looking for anything for herself seriously, and suddenly she found herself in a relationship with a man who is already making plans for a family and joint children. In this case, a woman may simply be afraid that she will be “caught up” and run away from a too persistent suitor.

There is simply no love

A man can be ideal – intelligent, attractive, polite, financially secure, but if a woman does not love him, the relationship is unlikely to work out. The matter is even more complicated if the lady has tender feelings for her ex. Maybe for a while she will tolerate an unloved man, reassuring herself that she is behind a stone wall with him. But, most likely, very soon a woman will get tired of the internal tension and want to break such a relationship.

The mistake has been made

It happens that a woman leaves a relationship simply by misunderstanding her partner. A big quarrel or even a scandal may happen between lovers, and the partner may think that the chosen one no longer loves her and wants to divorce. In this case, there is a chance to return the beloved, you just need to explain to her that she made premature and incorrect conclusions.

Of course, there is no ideal relationship, in any couple there are misunderstandings. But if there is love and trust in the relationship, then it is unlikely that a woman will want to lose such a relationship.

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Author: alex

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