The narcologist named ways to quickly get rid of a hangover

Narcologist Ilya Kiesler talked about ways to quickly get rid of hangover. He also named popular techniques that don't really work.

The expert notes that the hangover syndrome manifests itself differently in everyone, and many factors affect it, including age, the intensity of dehydration, increased well-being and drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. In order to cope with a hangover as quickly as possible, a narcologist recommends drinking more liquid.

This should be done, even if the person feels nauseous, just periodically and in small sips. Alkaline mineral water will work better than ordinary water. Due to the salt content, it contributes to the restoration of electrolyte disturbances in the body. Normalization of the level of electrolytes is also possible due to cucumber brine, this is relevant only if there is no vomiting.

An effective solution will be drinking water with honey or sugar, it may not be very strong, sweet and warm tea. Sugar acts as a detoxifying substance, it is a great help against hangovers.

You can put a cold towel on your head. It will not be superfluous to sleep for at least an hour after a person has sobered up. If you feel more or less normal, the expert advises you to eat something light, but it is better to exclude fatty, fried or spicy foods.

Among the fastest ways to fight a hangover, Kiesler singled out gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal, and taking a shower will also cheer you up. You can lie on the sofa with a cold compress on your forehead for at least 15 minutes.

If you need to go somewhere, it is better to have breakfast, otherwise you will be sick all day. During a hangover, you should not drink alcohol again, as some advise. This only worsens well-being and prevents the body from recovering. It is not necessary to take hangover pills yourself, you can do this only on the recommendation of a doctor. Coffee has a diuretic effect, so it will increase dehydration.

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Author: alex

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