The nutritionist named a way to normalize the cholesterol level without drugs
It is necessary to consume enough protein products, exclude trans fats and move a lot – in this way, you can normalize the cholesterol level in the body without the use of drugs, the nutritionist said.
The specialist named a way to normalize the level of cholesterol without drugs, noting along the way that the fight against its increase should have reasonable limits. According to the nutritionist, a certain amount of cholesterol is necessary to maintain the health of the body.
“Cholesterol is contained in every cell of the body. If there is not enough of it, the cell membrane becomes defective, which can cause disturbances in metabolism, the female cycle, and a decrease in the ability to conceive,” the expert said.
In addition, a certain level of cholesterol maintains the normal state of the intestinal mucosa, contributes the production of vitamin D, which is most important for immunity.
The nutritionist specified that 80 percent of cholesterol is produced by the liver (approximately 800 milligrams per day), and 20 percent (300-400 milligrams) the body receives from food. She named a way to maintain the optimal level of cholesterol, preventing its increase, without drugs.
“To maintain a normal level of cholesterol, you need to consume a sufficient amount of protein, include a variety of healthy fats in the diet, and exclude trans fats. In addition, you should walk in the fresh air more often, drink clean water, give up smoking and alcohol,” the specialist shared.
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