The secret of longevity was discovered in a simple everyday activity

Life expectancy depends on many factors, including genetics, nutrition and lifestyle. One of the studies showed that a simple everyday activity can contribute to longevity.

We are talking about reading. In a 12-year study, experts analyzed the data of more than 2,600 pensioners.

They provided information about their reading patterns, after which they were divided into three groups: those who do not read at all, those who read up to 3.5 hours a week, and those who read more than 2.5 hours a week.

The results showed that those who read books had an increase in life expectancy of about two years compared to those who , who does not read them. The scientists also said that the risk of death in people who read is 20% lower.

In addition, the probability of death in those who read up to 3.5 hours a week was 17% lower than in those who did not. who did not read at all. And in the group of those who read even more, the probability of death during the 12-year observation period decreased by 23%.

At the same time, the results showed that those who read books had a “significantly greater” chance of longevity. rather than newspapers or magazines. Scientists associate this with the fact that reading books requires more attention.

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Author: alex

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