The Secret to Longevity: Six Daily Habits That Extend Your Life

Good health in old age begins with vital habits that a person develops in youth. Dr. Martin Miner named six rules to follow in order to live longer.

To begin with, it is necessary to realize that “our body communicates with us”, he said. By listening to your feelings, you can understand in time when it's time to change something. “Take control of your life and learn to take action to steer the ship the way you want,” Miner said. He also advised regular visits to the doctor to detect possible problems in the early stages.

According to Miner, first of all, for longevity, you need to learn to consume “fewer calories.” However, it is important that the diet includes foods rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, writes the Daily Express.

The doctor also noted the need for regular physical exercises, as they “significantly reduce the risk of various diseases, including heart and cancer.” In addition, he added, regular exercise helps to “maintain mobility for longer,” reduces stress levels in the body, improves sleep, and improves skin and bone health.

Another useful tip from Dr. Miner is to take seriously stress He noted that its impact on the body is difficult to overestimate: from premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles to an increased risk of heart disease.

In addition, he recommended “investing in relationships.” “Research shows that good and strong relationships with loved ones and social activity improve mental and physical well-being and have a positive effect on longevity,” said Miner.

At the same time, the doctor emphasized that beautiful aging is not an attempt to look good. for 20 with a small. It's about living as full and healthy a life as possible while enjoying this time.

Miner also noted that he disagrees with those who believe it's too late to make healthier lifestyle choices. According to him, it is possible to take measures to maintain or improve health at any period of life.

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Author: alex

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