They can quickly destroy an orchard if they penetrate the trunk.
Trees in an orchard should be treated every fall. This will help protect them from the appearance of unwanted “residents” that will parasitize and gradually destroy them. You may not immediately guess, but we are not talking about infections or insect pests. Mushrooms can destroy trees.
What mushrooms are dangerous?
Among such undesirable phenomena are:
- stumps;
- tinker beetle;
- common woodworm (combworm).
A tree that is affected by fungal spores will gradually die. The fact is that the mycelium spreads throughout the trunk. External treatment will not help much. You can try to inoculate under the bark with fungicides.
Fungi “attack” mainly trees that are already weakened and old. It is easiest for spores to get into the trunk if there are untreated wounds, cuts and fractures. Frozen or dry branches are also at risk.
Experts say that in most cases, a tree cannot be saved from fungi if they have already appeared. To prevent their appearance, you need to regularly treat the trees. Every autumn, carry out eradication treatments, do not skip whitewashing the trunks, and close the wounds. This will prevent the fungi from penetrating the trunk.
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