This is what happens to the body when a person quits smoking
Have you been thinking about quitting smoking for a long time? We have the best tips that will help you say goodbye to cigarettes quickly.
Smoking is harmful to your health – this is nothing new. Many people find it difficult to give up their favorite cigarette. The effect is huge: in addition to health aspects, a life without smoking will also affect your psyche, appearance and wallet.
No more cigarettes – the first change in 20 minutes
Changes in the body occur after just 20 minutes: pulse and blood pressure drop to normal values. After just 12 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood drop, and oxygen levels return to normal.
Your organs thank you for the better oxygen supply and increased physical performance.
A day without cigarettes – this is how your body feels
In just one day without cigarettes, the risk of a heart attack decreases slightly. After about 48 hours, your taste and olfactory nerves begin to recover. You will already smell and taste better.
If you quit smoking, your blood circulation will stabilize after about two weeks to three months.
“You will especially notice changes in your lungs. In the first few months without smoke, your lungs will clear up and you will be able to breathe noticeably longer – for example, when climbing stairs.”
For now, cigarette! Cancer risk decreases
The mucus in your lungs is also broken down, and after one to nine months you will likely experience fewer and fewer bouts of coughing, shortness of breath and sinus congestion.
“And your heart will thank you too: if you smoke, you have an increased risk of coronary heart disease. After a year without smoking, the risk is halved compared to a smoker.”
After five years, the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is also halved. After this period, the risk of developing cervical cancer is no higher than in non-smokers.
Best blood circulation
It takes the body ten years to halve the risk of fatal lung cancer. A long period of abstinence is worth it! After about 15 years without smoking, the risk of cardiovascular disease is about the same as that of people who have always lived without cigarettes.
In the end, your psyche will also thank you for living a smoke-free life. Getting rid of nicotine addiction means leading a more peaceful life.
“You will automatically feel free and independent when the stress associated with the need to smoke is removed.”
What if I skip smoking?
You will probably have moments when you miss smoking. A smoke break at work is especially helpful when you want to clear your head for five minutes. Just go outside anyway and consciously inhale a large portion of fresh air instead of cigarette smoke.
How much does smoking cost
Have you ever calculated how much money you spend on cigarettes per month or year? Now imagine what you could buy with that money. Make your wish come true by saving money.
What should I do if I'm gaining weight?
Ignoring this aspect doesn't help: many people who quit smoking gain a few pounds at first. It doesn't necessarily happen, but it's a risk. The appetite-suppressing effect of nicotine suddenly wears off, and you burn fewer calories per day.
In the early stages of quitting smoking, you may experience cravings for sweets. Fight this negative effect. Focus more than before on healthy eating and exercise.
“Without smoke in your body, you'll quickly notice that exercising becomes easier. Exercise and enjoy the fresh air that passes through your lungs instead of smoke.”
Here's what changes your appearance when you quit smoking
You'll notice positive changes in your appearance. Smoking ages the skin.
“If you say goodbye to cigarettes, your complexion will soon become fresher and more even. Your hair and nails will become stronger again over time. The yellow tint of your nails and teeth will also disappear after a while.”
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