Three main causes that develop cancer in women


as with ' Scientists were clarified, the main cause of cancer is random mutations. These mutations may depend on any factors or just be a will. What can provoke them?

Australian scientists have named three main factors that increase the risk of cancer in women. More than 200,000 women of all ages participated in the study. Scientists have analyzed their health, lifestyle, habits. And that's why. According to experts, even an extra glass of wine for dinner increases the risk of cancer, which is already saying that many people afford more. Therefore, the most important thing that women should do for their health is the refusal of alcohol.

the second risk factor is overweight. Some forms of cancer have been proven directly related to obesity. However, extra pounds in general increase the risk of oncology. If obesity is combined with the third risk factor – hormonal treatment, the probability of cancer increases at times. %. At the same time, many women during menopause begin to take hormonal drugs to reduce unpleasant symptoms, and doctors often do not rush to weigh the risks and prescribe the prescription. The study authors pay attention to the fact that hormonal drug treatment should be carried out only with the need, not because the patient is so desirable.

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Author: alex

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