Tips for the gardener on growing pepper seedlings

The yield of peppers largely depends on seedlings. Therefore, in order to harvest a good harvest in the summer, you need to take care of quality seedlings.


Calculate the time of sowing so that the plants are not damaged by frost. Seedlings can be planted if there are 5-6 leaves (this is approximately 55-60 days after germination).

It is better to collect the seeds yourself, because then you will be sure that this particular variety will grow on the site.


If you collect the soil yourself, and not use a ready-made soil mixture, then it is preferable to collect it not from the garden, but in “virgin” places, there will be much less pests, disease spores, and weed seeds. But before sowing peppers, pour boiling water over the ground.

Keep in mind: sown seeds do not germinate quickly – seedlings appear only on 9-10 days.

The first disease of seedlings is black leg. If you see signs of this disease, you need to loosen the rows or places in the planting box with a nail and sprinkle with chalk. This way, you will activate the access of oxygen to the roots, and also stop the disease. It is known that it develops in an acidic environment, and chalk neutralizes it.

Abundant harvests!

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Author: alex

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