Two ways to use succinic acid for plants
Everyone who is involved in growing plants knows about succinic acid. This applies equally to both indoor and outdoor plants. Read more about how and for what purpose this miraculous remedy can be used.
Method #1
For cuttings. Succinic acid strongly stimulates them to form roots. With it, they germinate twice as fast. Make a weak solution with a concentration of 0.01%. Place the cuttings and let them spend 15 hours like this. After which they need to be planted.
Method #2
For perennials. If you have transplanted perennial flowers, then you know that they also need help. And succinic acid is the remedy that is needed for this. When transplanting or after dividing, soak the perennials. Use a solution with a concentration of 0.02%. Soaking the roots should be for 3-5 hours. It will not be superfluous to spray the leaves with such a solution. And then plant your plants. Now they will definitely be able to quickly take root and grow.
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