Urologist named products that are dangerous for the kidneys
Every organ in the human body is important. For example, the kidneys are responsible for removing excess fluid and dissolved toxic substances from the blood. However, improper nutrition can disrupt the proper functioning of internal organs.
The urologist-andrologist explained that products with a high oxalate content – these are salts and esters of oxalic acid – have a detrimental effect on the kidneys. This component is found in fast food, such as French fries and chips, sweets, and even seemingly healthy foods: spinach, beets, bran, nuts, and sorrel.
Excess potassium is also harmful to the kidneys. A large amount of this substance is found in avocados, so people with kidney problems should avoid this product or reduce its amount in their diet.
In normal conditions, potassium is useful for the heart, fluid regulation in the body, and maintaining electrolyte balance. balance But its excess causes a condition called hyperkalemia, in the development of which the heart rhythm is disturbed, nausea and weakness appear.
Some drinks can also be dangerous: strong tea, coffee, and sodas. They contain many alkaloids, a large amount of which leads to urolithiasis.
Excess dairy products can also cause harm. They contain calcium, but in excessive doses it begins to be deposited in the urine, which also contributes to the development of urolithiasis.
After all, the main product that is dangerous for the kidneys is salt. It can accumulate in the body, which leads to an excess of sodium and a violation of the hydrolytic balance. The doctor added that meat and liver can also harm the kidneys, as they contain purines, which stimulate the production of uric acid.
“Excessive consumption of animal proteins can lead to the formation of kidney stones. In addition, uric acid accumulates in the joints and provokes the development of arthritis,” the doctor said.
In the cold season, the weather also poses a danger to the kidneys. Hypothermia can provoke inflammation and the development of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. However, cold alone cannot harm the kidneys if they are fine. The disease begins with an infection, which is “triggered” by the body’s hypothermia, the doctor explained.
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