What are the benefits of viburnum and what can be prepared from it?
Viburnum strengthens the entire body, increases immunity, and also restores strength after illness. Viburnum fruits begin to be consumed in the fall – immediately after ripening, and continue to do so until the end of winter.
Egor Kolyadko, a junior intern at the berry crops research department of the RUE “Institute of Fruit Growing”, spoke about the valuable properties of viburnum, and also shared simple recipes for homemade preparations from its berries.
Why is viburnum so useful
The specialist says that the healing effect of viburnum is due to the content in its fruits, leaves and especially in the bark of the glycoside viburnin, which is unique to this culture, which gives the fruits their characteristic bitterness. Viburnin has a hemostatic effect and also has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
Viburnum fruits are a rich source of phenolic compounds that have P-vitamin activity (460-1350 mg/100 g). They include chlorogenic acid, catechins, anthocyanins, leucoanthocyanins and other compounds.
“The pharmacological value of viburnum fruits is associated with the presence of tannins and viburnin glycoside in them. In addition, the fruits contain:
- vitamin C – 40-138 mg/100g;
- carotene – 1.2-3.3 mg/100g;
- vitamin E – more than 2 mg/100 g;
- pectin substances – 0.4-0.9%;
macro- and microelements in large quantities:
- potassium – 179.5-320 mg/100 g
- calcium – 40.5 mg/100 g;
- magnesium – 17.5 mg/100 g;
- iron – up to 6.1 mg/100 g;
In small quantities: phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, iodine and others, “explains Yegor Kolyadko.
The expert notes that there is twice as much vitamin C in viburnum berries as in lemon. In combination with iron, vitamin C is perfectly absorbed, so viburnum berries are good for those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia.
Due to this biochemical composition, viburnum fruits have an astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic, choleretic and diuretic, calming effect, lower blood pressure, accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers. Viburnum berries also improve the functioning of the heart and vascular system.
The bark of the common viburnum Cortex Viburni is a medicinal raw material for the production of hemostatic, anticancer, antiallergic and cardiotonic drugs. Dried viburnum fruits are part of multivitamin pharmacy preparations. Vitamin tea from the fruits has a tonic and calming effect.
What to cook from viburnum
Raw jam
You can make raw jam from fresh viburnum berries, a dish that will preserve all its beneficial properties to the maximum. To make jam, you will need 1 kg of viburnum berries and 1 kg of sugar. Freshly squeezed natural juice mixed with granulated sugar should be heated to 80-85 ° C, stirring constantly. After the sugar has completely dissolved, pour the ready jam into hot steam-sterilized jars with a capacity of 0.5-1 l, seal and cool.
“You cannot keep hot jars under a blanket, as this destroys the coloring substances useful for humans – anthocyanins. Cooling should occur quickly enough in order to preserve the attractive bright red color of the product,” warns Yegor Kolyadko.
You can make jelly from 1 kg of viburnum, 1 kg of apples, and 0.5-1 kg of sugar. The specialist says that for this, sour apples must be cut into slices and boiled with viburnum berries in a small amount of water. Then pour into a linen bag and (DO NOT squeeze!) hang overnight to drain the juice. Add sugar to the juice and cook until tender. Pack hot into sterile jars and roll up.
Viburnum jam in Polish
To make the jam, you will need 1 kg of viburnum, 1 kg of sugar, 150 ml of water.
Dry the washed berries. Make a syrup of 500 g of sugar and 150 ml of water and pour it over the berries. The next day, drain the syrup, add another 500 g of sugar, bring to a boil, pour over the berries and leave overnight again. On the third day, cook until tender. Pour hot into sterile jars and roll up.
Viburnum sauce
To prepare the original sauce, you need to take 200 g of viburnum juice, 300 g of granulated sugar, 2 cups of water, 5 g of potato starch.
Dissolve the starch in 2 tablespoons of water, pour it into boiling water, add viburnum juice, granulated sugar and bring to a boil. Use as a sauce for cereal dishes.
Viburnum mousse
Viburnum mousse can be prepared from 200 ml of juice, 200 g of sugar, 30 g of gelatin, 1 l of water.
To do this, soak the gelatin in a small amount of cold boiled water, and then add the remaining water, mix and bring to a boil. Add sugar, pour in viburnum juice, cool to 35 ° C, quickly beat until fluffy, pour into molds and cool.
“Also, by adding gelling viburnum juice to apple puree, you can make high-quality marmalade or pastille. Viburnum juice is also a good food coloring. Viburnum fruits are used to make jelly, jam, and pie fillings, and rubbed with sugar. Viburnum in honey is a real medicinal delicacy that will help cure colds,” concludes Yegor Kolyadko.
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