What do red moles on the skin mean?
You've probably also noticed red dots on your body that look like moles. As a rule, they are small and crimson in color (sometimes a little lighter). Red moles most often appear in the neck, chest and back.
But why do they appear? Are they dangerous, and do you need to monitor them? These and other questions related to red moles.
Small red spots that suddenly appear on our body make us scared and worried. They do not hurt, but they do not look particularly aesthetically pleasing. Why did they appear? Maybe the reason lies in our diet? Or are red moles a symptom of any disease?
In order to calm you down, let's say right away that it's not that serious. However, any changes that occur to the skin should be monitored. Let's find out in more detail!
Why do red moles appear on the body?
Some people find their moles very attractive. However, in most cases, moles are a change in skin pigmentation that needs to be monitored.
The scientific name for the red spots we are talking about today is red nevus or angioma. As a rule, they appear in people with fair skin and in middle-aged people.
As we mentioned earlier, they do not pose a health hazard. However, if they appear frequently and in large numbers, this is a reason to consult a doctor. This is a signal that some changes are taking place in our body.
Usually, experts associate the appearance of red moles with liver problems, or rather, with its not entirely correct functioning.
They can also appear due to improper nutrition, when a lot of toxins accumulate in the intestines and liver.
- Their appearance is provoked by the abnormal growth of blood vessels.
- The size of red moles ranges from 1 to 4 mm. They can be located in the armpits, genitals, heels, chest, back, arms, legs…
- Red moles on the face, hands and other exposed areas of the body that are rarely covered by clothing can appear due to excessive exposure to the sun. You should be more careful.
- Pay attention to the edges of such moles and their texture. If they are uneven, rough and exceed 6 mm in size, you should consult a dermatologist.
- Pay attention to the younger members of your family. Children with very fair skin may also develop these red dots on their bodies. For this reason, children should be examined regularly to keep the situation under control.
- Very often, the appearance of such moles is hereditary.
- Another reason for their appearance on the body may be minor hormonal changes in women.
- Finally, they may appear banally with age.
If you find a red mole on your body, the main thing is not to panic. Nothing serious has happened, and no treatment is required. You will need to do the following:
- If moles appear in large numbers in the chest area, consult a doctor. One or two are not particularly important. The unexpected appearance of a larger number may be a signal of existing health problems.
- Check the shape of your moles, whether they are symmetrical or asymmetrical. If the latter, consult a doctor.
- Pay attention to their shade. If they are red, then there are no problems. If they gradually darken and become darker each time, then you should inform your doctor about it.
Treatment and prevention
- Experts say that to prevent the appearance of red moles on the body, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the intestines and strengthen the liver.
- Try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
- Try to eat more fresh vegetables and drink natural juices. Carrots, artichokes and celery will be very useful in this regard.
- Spirulina algae, for example, perfectly absorb toxins accumulated in the intestines.
- Include olive oil and avocado in your diet.< /li>
- Start your morning with a glass of lemon juice.
- You should drink at least 2 glasses of juice a day (preferably cranberry, pineapple, pomegranate…).
- Avoid consumption of dairy products (you can replace them with vegetable milk).
- Drink dandelion tea once a day. It is a great cleanser for the body.
- To avoid the appearance of red moles, you need to follow a balanced diet. However, you should also protect yourself from the negative effects of sunlight.
Sunscreen can prevent the appearance of such moles on the face and neck. In general, always try to keep your skin well moisturized, consume enough vitamin C and avoid being in the sun from 12 to 16.
As a rule, red moles, once they appear on the body, do not disappear. If they bother you a lot, you can resort to natural remedies to get rid of them.
For example, make a compress with onion juice every day until the moles disappear. Another option is to apply a vitamin C tablet (also regularly).
But it is always better to prevent the appearance of red moles by following a balanced diet that will not allow a large amount of toxins and harmful substances to accumulate in the body. And then your skin will thank you!
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