What genetic diseases can cause cancer?

Oncology is often transmitted at the genetic level. Doctors always clarify whether there were people in the patient's family with diagnosed cancer. The oncologist surgeon named the main types of cancer that can be inherited.

It leads to the development of cancer cells and can manifest itself in the intestines, stomach, bladder, uterus, ovaries and brain. But the risk of developing oncology can also vary.

For example, the risk of developing a tumor in the intestines is 75%, and in the uterus it is slightly more than 30%. In other organs, this possibility is even lower.

BRCA gene mutations cause a risk of developing breast, colon, and ovarian cancer. Only about 5% of patients inherit breast cancer.

Li-Fraumeni syndrome is another genetic disease that often causes cancer at an early age. In 40% of cases, malignant eye tumors in children and retinosarcoma are associated with heredity.

Nephroblastoma, a kidney tumor, can also develop due to “bad” genetics, but most often this type of cancer is diagnosed in people who have encountered abnormal development while still in the womb.

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Author: alex

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