What happens to a person's health when he is scolded or hears bad words
Psychologists-researchers debunked the myth that motherhood is useful for “letting off steam”. It turned out that everything is the opposite.
There is an opinion that swearing helps to relieve tension, get rid of negative emotions that are harmful to health. But experts from the University of Bristol proved the opposite.
Employees of the School of Experimental Psychology conducted an experiment. As part of it, they asked volunteers to read different words aloud. The participants of the first group pronounced and heard matyuk words, and in the second the mat was replaced with euphemisms (literary and censored analogues).
Special electrodes were attached to the heads of all subjects, which transmitted information about the electrical activity of the brain. This allowed the scientists to record the level of stress felt by the participants of the experiment.
After completing the practical part, the researchers began to study the data obtained. It turned out that a surge of stress occurred in those cases when a person uttered obscene words or heard them. This allowed scientists to conclude that “letting off steam” by motherhood is an inappropriate and negative way.
The authors of the study explained this by the fact that mat is a taboo in society. Therefore, when a person ignores the rules and utters swear words or hears them, the stress hormone is produced. The effect increases if swearing occurs at a time when a person is outraged by something. The result is a double negative effect.
However, scientists note that for some people the mat is the norm. Such people really do not have any prohibitions due to their upbringing. Therefore, their body adapts to profanity and is less stressful.
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