What is golden milk, and why are all the world's celebrities drinking it today?
Golden milk is another passion of world stars and supporters of a long, fulfilling life. In Ukraine, few people know about this miracle drink yet, but it will probably soon become fashionable here too.
In India, the healing properties of turmeric have been known for several millennia. Ayurveda, the traditional science of health, recommends using this spice to treat various ailments. In addition, turmeric in India is considered a symbol of prosperity, it is no coincidence that the bride's body is rubbed with turmeric paste before the pre-wedding bathing ceremony.
In the last few years, American and European doctors and scientists have started talking about the magical properties of turmeric, it has been included in various diets and systems of proper nutrition, and mixtures are prepared on its basis that can work wonders for the human body. The most fashionable hobby of our days is the preparation of golden milk, as well as healing tea and coffee based on it. Many Hollywood stars and other world celebrities have already included this drink in their daily menu. The main ingredients of golden milk are the wonderful five spices: turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper. The support group is any milk, honey or maple syrup.
Turmeric is very useful on its own, but in the company of other spices it becomes a magical elixir.
5 extremely useful properties of golden milk
1. Strengthens immunity
Scientists consider turmeric to be the strongest herbal anti-inflammatory agent. Only ginger can compete with it. And in tandem – these superheroes, which dramatically increase the body's resistance to various viruses and bacteria. Moreover, this perfect couple is able not only to prevent and reduce inflammatory processes, but also to restore damaged cells! Some scientists are already saying that golden milk can become the basis of anti-cancer therapy.
2. Slows down aging
Turmeric, ginger and black pepper have pronounced antioxidant properties. Together they most effectively remove toxins and waste from the body, purify the blood, improve the condition and color of the skin (no, it does not turn yellow!) and generally slow down age-related changes.
3. Improves breathing
In every sense. Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human respiratory system in general. And freshens breath in particular.
4. Lowers cholesterol and speeds up metabolism
Cinnamon and black pepper are responsible for lowering blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels. And the whole spice mixture in general accelerates the processing of fats and can help with indigestion. The heart and stomach vote for golden milk!
5. Improves mood
Cardamom and cinnamon are spices of joy. They activate happiness hormones, brain activity, and improve memory.
Golden milk is a surefire way to combat stress and depression.
How to prepare golden milk?
For one serving of this magical drink, you will need a teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon (can be replaced with one cinnamon stick) and ginger (powder or grated root), ground cardamom seeds from 5-6 pods in a mortar, a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup, and a glass of milk (approximately 230 mg). For complete authenticity and for those who do not consume cow's milk, it is recommended to take plant-based milk – soy, coconut, nut.
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the milk is a uniform golden color and the aroma of spices wafts through the kitchen. Strain the mixture and drink it immediately, or cool and refrigerate, where it can be stored for several days. Golden milk is usually drunk hot, but some people really like the spicy mixture cold.
How much should you drink to get the maximum effect?
The most valuable substance in golden milk is curcumin. A standard teaspoon of ground turmeric contains 200 ml of curcumin, and for a real anti-inflammatory effect, experts recommend 500 to 1000 ml of this natural medicine daily. Accordingly, three cups of golden milk will be quite enough.
This drink is not recommended for pregnant women and people with hepatitis.
Many doctors also advise making tea from turmeric powder – 2 teaspoons of powder per 4 cups of hot water, the rest – to taste. But golden milk is much more satisfying and pleasant to the taste.
A ready-made mixture for making golden milk is sold abroad. But it is much more pleasant and cheaper to make this pleasant mix yourself. Just remember that the spices should be the freshest. Buy them from trusted places and do not store them for more than six months.
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