What mistakes do housewives make that lead to baked goods breaking and crumbling
When you start making pastries, you want your buns and pies to remain soft and tasty for as long as possible.
However, due to improper handling of the dough, pastries can crumble literally from the first day, which spoils the impression.
Therefore, it is worth knowing what mistakes cause this negative result.
What are they?
1. Excess yeast
As a rule, this component is introduced in order to make flour products more lush and tasty. But it is extremely important to adhere to the proportions specified in the recipe.
If you introduce more yeast than necessary, the pastries will break. Also, the buns will have a not entirely pleasant taste.
2. Flour introduction method
Experienced cooks never add all the flour at once. Because of this, the dough may turn out to be too “stiff” and hard.
It is best to introduce flour gradually. In this case, you will have the opportunity to influence the consistency of the dough.
3. Long waiting
Yeast dough needs time to rise. However, you should not leave the dough for too long.
If it “stands still”, the quality of the baking will leave much to be desired.
Therefore, leave the dough for no more than a quarter of an hour.
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