What mistakes do housewives make when baking biscuits

Many housewives have repeatedly faced disappointment when looking at the final result when baking a sponge cake. To cope with a capricious cake, you should always carefully sift the flour, do not open the oven during its preparation and grease only the bottom of the pan with butter – otherwise the sponge cake will look like a shapeless slide.

What else to consider when baking a sponge cake

Number of eggs

In this case, the principle of “the more, the better” does not work. Pastry chefs have established through experience that 4 eggs are enough for a dough consisting of 100 g of sugar and 100 g of flour.

Method of beating eggs

Fortunately, it has long been proven that it is not necessary to beat the yolks and whites separately for a sponge cake. Because of this method, you have to increase the cooking time, the amount of dirty dishes and effort, and the resulting cake can be rubbery. Try beating the eggs together – 7 minutes is enough for a powerful mixer and 15 minutes at low power.

Cooking temperature

The optimal temperature for a sponge cake is 185 degrees. At these temperatures, the dough will need to be in the oven for 35-40 minutes. If you are a professional baker, it is recommended to stock up on a special thermometer, since the readings on household appliances are not accurate.

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Author: alex

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