What mistakes gardeners make in June lead to a decrease in the cucumber harvest?

Already in June, you can ruin the cucumber harvest with your own hands if you make 4 unforgivable mistakes.

The result will be sad – the plant will rot faster than the first harvest has time to ripen. Basically, these mistakes are associated with the wrong choice of fertilizers and temperature changes.

Mistake one

It lies in the deficiency of nitrogen fertilizers at the stage of fruit ripening. Cucumbers are a rare exception that requires nitrogen throughout their growth and development. Top dressing is carried out in small doses once every 2-3 weeks.

Mistake two

By choosing organic fertilizers (humus or manure), summer residents can damage the plant's root system or provoke rapid growth of green mass, which is popularly called “chewing”.

Mistake three

Air temperature above 25-28 degrees Celsius causes heat stress in cucumbers. At the same time, night-time temperature drops do not improve the condition of the plant. Mulching the soil will help get rid of this problem.

Mistake Four

Calcium is added when preparing the soil for planting cucumbers or after potassium has been applied.

Excess calcium makes it harder for the plant to absorb the necessary potassium.

Because of this, cucumbers grow weak, crooked, and with voids inside.

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Author: alex

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