What needs to be done with cherries so that they delight with delicious berries every year?
Cherry is a fairly popular crop, it is often grown in gardens. It is loved for its unpretentiousness and the many preparations that can be made from it. Growing cherries is easy, but to get a high yield, it is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology.
Features of cultivation
The secret of cherry's popularity is very simple: it grows on absolutely any soil, both poor and fertile.
During the fruiting period, about 30 kg of berries can be collected from one tree. Thus, the harvest from one tree is enough to make preparations for the winter and eat fresh berries.
Cherry differs from other fruit trees in its frost resistance. These trees can also recover quickly after a frosty winter, and the yield, as a rule, does not suffer.
Cherry does not have to be planted in sunny places; it will bear fruit in the shade and in areas blown by the winds. But here it is necessary to take into account that berries that have received a lot of sunlight are juicy and sweet.
Planting rules
Cherry is considered an undemanding crop, and if you follow all the planting rules, the tree will be strong, healthy, and bear fruit abundantly.
Despite the fact that cherries grow on any soil, they like sandy soils and neutral acidity levels. It is better to plant a tree on the southern or western side of the site, and so that the groundwater does not come too close to the roots.
Before planting cherries, you need to dig up the soil with lime. The main thing is not to pour lime directly into the hole and not mix it with manure.
To plant cherries, you need to dig a hole measuring 50x50x50 cm. Put humus, superphosphate and ash on the bottom, mix everything with the soil and insert a peg for tying.
When planting, cherries lose a lot of fluid. To prevent the seedling from becoming dehydrated, before planting it should be placed in water for 4-6 hours, or even overnight.
You don't need to bury the roots too deeply when planting – cherries don't like this. The planting itself is done in mid-spring or early autumn. In spring, cherries should be planted before their buds begin to bloom. When planting in autumn, it is important to ensure that the cherries have time to grow before frost.
If frost is approaching and you haven't managed to plant the cherry yet, you need to bury the seedling at a 45-degree angle to the ground. This way, the tree will be protected from winter frosts. In order for the cherry to survive the winter well, it must be covered for the winter.
Mistakes when caring for a cherry tree
Caring for a cherry tree is simple and standard: water, weed, fertilize and prune in a timely manner. This way, the cherry will develop properly and bear fruit well.
Insufficient watering will lead to a lack of moisture, which, in turn, leads to freezing of the buds in winter, which means that fruiting will then be disrupted. If the tree is not fed, this will lead to its exhaustion, the tree will be fragile and painful, and will not tolerate winter well.
Fruit trees are often damaged by pests, so it is imperative to carry out preventive measures. If the cherry does not bear fruit, the reason may be self-pollination. To do this, you need to plant several cherries or other related crops in the garden.
It is also important to prune the cherry in time so as not to thicken the planting. Dense branches of the tree lead to the fact that the fruits become small.
Regularly remove the lower shoots, as well as very long shoots of the crown. There should be no more than 10 skeletal branches on one cherry. This will make the crown quite sparse, and the berries will be even and large.
Thus, caring for cherries in your garden is very simple. For planting, it is important to choose the right cherry variety, taking into account the climate of the area, the site itself, and the desired taste preferences of the cherry.
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