What to do and how to treat when you blow your back?
How to help yourself and loved ones if your back suddenly gets sick? Traditional and folk remedies will help to recover. It is also not necessary to overheat your back in a bath or too hot compresses, to do yoga or active exercise at this time. Take anti -inflammatory drugs according to the instructions. In the case of severe pain, add painkillers. Avoid excessive fluid and salt intake to prevent swelling. Adhere to bed rest. If you do not relieve after three days, be sure to consult your doctor. You may have another disease.
folk medicine is often equally effective medicines. Help: vodka compress, cabbage poultry or grated potatoes. Also useful is the external use of fir -panel or light massage with the use of vegetable oil with the addition of essential oils of medicinal plants.
but even if you decide to use folk remedies, it is advisable to consult a specialist for allergies.
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