What to do if you overwater your houseplants
It happens that plants are watered too much. And more than once. As a result, the plant begins to shed leaves, stops growing. But such signs are with systematic overwatering, which can lead to rot in the root system. The plant needs to be resuscitated.
What to do with houseplants
If you are sure that there is overwatering, stop watering for a while. Let the soil dry out. The plant will recover. If you feel the dryness of the top layer with your finger, wait. The top has become drier, but the bottom may be excessively moist.
In more difficult cases, the plant must be removed from the pot. Free it from wet soil and clean the root system. Everything black and rotten must be removed. Make a solution with the drug “Fitosporin”. Treat the roots. After that, sprinkle it with crushed charcoal. Let it dry.
Now you can transplant the reanimated plant. The pot should be the size of the roots. If it was before, then wash it, disinfect it and replace the soil. Do not forget to put drainage at the bottom.
To complete the procedure and for reliability, treat the plant with a fungicide in a small concentration. After transplanting, the first watering should be no less than 4-5 days. Also, do not add fertilizers for several months. The plant will recover and will grow actively again.
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