What to do to prevent unripe cherries from falling off
Cherry is a popular plant in summer gardens. In the spring, it pleases with beautiful flowering, and in the summer months it gives sweet and healthy berries. But the harvest can be lost due to mistakes that an inexperienced gardener can make during cultivation. But if you start to correct the situation in time, find the right method of pest control and carry out preventive work against diseases, that is, there is a chance to get quality fruits. First you need to identify the source of the problem.
Why do cherry ovaries fall off
Ovaries fall off due to lack of moisture. The watering rate in dry weather is at least 10 liters per adult tree.
A problem can also arise if you use fertilizing incorrectly.
It should be borne in mind that for normal fruiting, the plant needs mineral compounds, including potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Their deficiency also slows down the development of the crop.
Due to the lack of pollinators, the ovaries also fall off. This most often happens if there are prolonged rains and the temperatures are not high enough. In such situations, pollinators must be attracted by artificial means, for example, the tree can be sprayed with sweet water.
When the fruits not only fall off, but holes appear on the leaves, this may indicate infection with klasterosporiosis. A solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture will be useful for prevention and treatment.
If the leaves are covered with a pink bloom, this also indicates a fungus. And copper oxychloride helps well here. You only need to use three tablespoons of the product per bucket. As soon as the solution is mixed, you can proceed to spraying.
We should not forget about pests that also deprive the tree of fruit. You need to carefully inspect the crown and trunk of the cherry.
The tree is quite often attacked by aphids.
If the tops of young leaves curl, and small flying individuals curl around them, this indicates that you need to get rid of aphids immediately. A common remedy that is quite easy to prepare will help with this.
You need to dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water, and the resulting liquid should be used to treat the trees. A soap solution based on tar soap is suitable. For 10 liters of water, you should take 2 tablespoons of soap. After that, the liquid should be sprayed on the cherries in dry, windless weather.
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