What to put in a pot to make potatoes cook faster

Many cooks are annoyed by the length of time it takes to cook potatoes. Cooking the vegetable takes quite a long time: you have to wait about half an hour. After all, you want the nightshade to be ready as soon as possible. It is desirable that the preparation of this not the most complicated side dish does not take long. There are several tricks that can speed up the cooking of potatoes.


Yes, you can simply cut the vegetable into cubes and pour it into the pan.

However, this life hack is only relevant if the potatoes will be used as an ingredient for a salad.

But what if the goal is to prepare a whole side dish. In this case, an additional ingredient will come to the rescue.

What to throw in the pan

As soon as the water in which the potatoes are cooked has boiled, put a piece of butter or margarine in it.

Due to any of these products, a “film” will appear on the surface of the vegetables being cooked, thanks to which the cooking of the potatoes will be accelerated.

It is worth noting that the advantage of the oil component is not only quick cooking, but also improving the taste of the side dish.

If the cook is cooking old potatoes, margarine can be replaced with table vinegar. This life hack will also “work”. The main thing is not to overdo it with the acidic component: half a teaspoon should be enough.

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Author: alex

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