What to throw into the water when boiling eggs so that the shells “fly off in a second”

At first glance, it may seem that there is no point in talking about boiling eggs – everything is already clear and extremely clear. However, with boiling eggs, not everything is so straightforward. You need to know the subtleties and nuances of how to cook eggs correctly in order to get a tasty product without a “blue” yolk and quickly clean eggs.

How to cook eggs correctly

Housewives often have to spend time to clean the eggs after cooking. The shell does not want to leave the protein, which is removed together with the shell to the yolk itself.

After this procedure, tears remain from the egg. The appearance of the protein is completely spoiled, and the yolk is not tender.

Problems with cleaning occur for a number of reasons, much of which depends on the quality of the product.

In order to clean eggs quickly and efficiently from the shell, they need to be filled only with cold water. It will be a mistake to use hot water, as some inexperienced housewives are used to doing.

When cooking, salt and vinegar are used, which are added to the water one tablespoon at a time. Such a trick will help to quickly and efficiently clean eggs.

The time of cooking eggs is taken into account, otherwise they will be overcooked and the shell will refuse to detach from the protein.

After cooking, pour cold water over the eggs and drain them several times, pouring a new one after 2-3 minutes.

Eggs left in hot water cannot be cleaned properly.

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Author: alex

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