What trees should not be planted next to apple and pear trees?
The fact is that among fruit trees there are their competitors, which, just like seedlings, fight with each other in the garden for nutrients, sunlight and moisture in the soil. According to the rules established by nature itself, experienced gardeners do not advise planting such trees next to apple and pear trees. A couple of seemingly minor mistakes in the garden – and the harvest of apples and pears will have to wait a very long time.
Firstly, hawthorn is harmful. Its appearance already affects the condition of fruit trees, since pests often appear after it, attacking the entire garden.
Secondly, mountain ash has no place in the garden. It is inhabited by the larvae of the mountain ash moth, which do not disdain to taste cultivated plants on such an occasion.
Thirdly, we are talking about buckthorn. It is capable of transmitting goblet rust to pears growing in the neighborhood.
Fourthly, stone and seed trees do not coexist in the same area. They mutually suppress each other, so apple and pear trees should grow separately from cherries, plums, and apricots.
If you want to enjoy the harvest, plant dill and calendula next to the pear and apple trees. They will scare away pests, fruit-eating butterflies, and at the same time protect the trees from scab.
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