What will happen if you give up sugar for a whole month?

Specialists in the field of nutricology claim that avoiding sugar and containing its products have a number of advantages. It turns out that reducing body weight and improving the condition of the teeth is far from all that will happen if you decide to take this step.

Many of us consume sugar and other sweets every day because they taste great, but according to health experts, their effects on our bodies can be devastating.

What happens if you give up sugar for a whole month? How will it affect your health?

Nutrition experts say that cutting out sugar and sugar-containing products has a number of benefits, including:

Reduction cholesterol level

Excessive consumption of foods and beverages high in added sugar has a negative effect on blood sugar levels and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Sugar-sweetened foods and beverages such as baked goods, sodas, candy and energy drinks contain rapidly digestible sugars, including high-fructose corn syrup.

Diets high in these types of sugar are associated with increased blood sugar and insulin resistance.


Reduction in body weight

Additionally, foods and beverages high in added sugar tend to be high in calories but low in nutrients, protein, and fiber.

For this reason, a diet high in sugary foods leads to weight gain. High intake of added sugar is also associated with high levels of visceral body fat.

Cutting out foods and drinks high in added sugar can help you lose weight, especially if you follow a diet rich in nutrients, protein and fiber.

Oral and Dental Health

Sweet foods and drinks are known to be harmful to the health of the teeth and oral cavity.

Consumption of foods and drinks with a high content of added sugar increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease as in both children and adults. This is because bacteria in the mouth break down sugar, producing acid that damages the surface of the teeth.

So cutting out added sugar can protect your teeth. However, giving up sugar for just 30 days is unlikely to have a positive effect on the health of your teeth in the long term.

Improve heart health

Consumption foods and drinks with a high content of added sugar is also associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. They increase blood pressure, triglycerides, and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

Studies have shown that excessive consumption of added sugar increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

In addition, it has been found , that diets that limit the consumption of added sugar, such as the paleo diet and eating whole plant foods, significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol.

These and other diets that limit or reduce the consumption of added sugar, can promote weight loss, which also reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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Author: alex

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