Why add milk when cooking rice?
Given the popularity of rice as a side dish, cooking this porridge is a fairly common action in the kitchen. At the same time, housewives do not always manage to achieve the desired consistency in dishes. Sometimes the porridge turns out not to be crumbly, but viscous and sticky.
In order for the dish to turn out “rice to rice”, it is necessary to follow the rules for its preparation. This includes the correct ratio of cereals and water, the correct cooking time, and other nuances. However, you can not particularly monitor these indicators if you use an additional ingredient.
How milk will help
When cooking rice, you need to pour a little milk drink into the pot.
As experienced housewives note, using a large amount of this ingredient is useless.
2 tablespoons of milk help to achieve the desired consistency in the rice. Moreover, it is undesirable to take a warm drink: you need to add a product that has recently been in the refrigerator.
The additional component will help the porridge become crumbly: there will be no stickiness or soggyness.
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